The training was conducted to ensure YouthMappers at IRDP they start to use modern technology in data collection and map designing. Previously IRDP used local tools for data collection and map designing, such as questionnaire paper and simple hand drawing map. For another time IRDP YouthMappers used ODK and QGIS to collect data and come up with a printed map. The study was conducted to prepare IRDP student to be able to use various tools during fieldwork time.
The training was conducted at IRDP and the field, from 12th March to 17th March 2020.

Before going to the fieldwork, we had to make sure that students know how to use ODK and how to install it in their smartphone. We introduced ODK to the students and encourage them to install it. Also, training was provided on how to collect data from the respondents and also how to collect Geo-point using ODK.
